Ritcky LItchfield Good Dog Treats Braised Beef 400g - Pet & Tack Shop
Ritcky LItchfield Good Dog Treats Braised Beef 450g - Pet Mall
Ritcky LItchfield Good Dog Treats Braised Beef 400g - Pet & Tack Shop
Ritcky LItchfield Good Dog Treats Braised Beef 450g - Pet Mall
Ricky Litchfield

Ritcky LItchfield Good Dog Treats Braised Beef 400g

Regular price R 92.45

Ritcky LItchfield Good Dog Treats Braised Beef 400g is a good health dressed up as braised beef biscuit treats. It contains Buchu oil and powdered Green Rooibos. promotes joint health and promotes healthy skin and coats. It aids in maintaining a healthy digestive system and promotes longevity and general wellbeing. Ritcky LItchfield Good Dog Treats Braised Beef 400g contains Buchu & Green Rooibos which is packed full of essential anti-oxidants.