Cipla Vet Pegaquest Horse Oral Paste 12.2g
Regular price R 275.00Cipla Vet Pegaquest Oral Paste for Horses is a long-acting specialized dewormer that targets a wide range of roundworms (including encysted stages of small strongyles), tapeworms, and bots. The paste formulation is banana flavoured, palatable and effective against the most important roundworm species and bots in horses. It is used for the treatment and control of roundworms, bots, adult and late encysted small strongyles, tapeworms and Habronema spp. PEGAQUEST is effective against the following parasites: Large strongyles: Strongylus edentatus (adults and immatures), Strongylus vulgaris (adults, immatures and arterial larval stages), Strongylus equinus and Triodontophorus spp. Small strongyles: including Cyathostomum spp., Cylicostephanus spp., Cylicocyclus spp., Cylicodontophorus spp., Gyalocephalus spp. and the encysted stages of small strongyles Ascarids: Parascaris equorum (adults and immatures) Pinworms: Oxyuris equi (adults and immatures) Hairworms: Trichostrongylus axei (adults) Threadworms: Strongyloides westeri (adults) Largemouthed stomach worms: Habronema spp. (gastric and cutaneous [summer sore] forms) and Draschia spp. Lung worms: Dictyocaulus arnfieldi (adults and immatures) Tapeworms: Paranoplocephala spp. and Anoplocephala spp. Accurately determine the mass of the horse to be treated and adjust the syringe to the correct dose for the horse.